Dienstag, 27. Mai 2008

VCD and MPEG Tools 1.6 - Video conversion and CD duplication tool. (Shareware)

VCD and MPEG Tools 1.6 - Video conversion and CD duplication tool. (Shareware): "

VCD and MPEG Tools 1.6
VCD and MPEG Tools is an easy to use, task oriented, audio/video conversion and CD duplication tool. It is perfect for converting VCD, SuperVCD, DVD VOB, MPEG, AVI, WMV, ASF, DIVX to iPod, AppleTV and PlayStation Portable format for playback,MPEG-4 for YouTube upload or to DV Quicktime format for editing. And it allows you to easily dupicate VCD, Audio CD, and disk images."

(Via MacUpdate - Mac OS X.)

Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2008

Mars24 5.5.1 - Sunclock of Mars, displays orbital positions and more. (Free)

Mars24 5.5.1 - Sunclock of Mars, displays orbital positions and more. (Free): "

Mars24 5.5.1
Java-based application which displays a Mars 'sunclock', a graphical representation of Mars showing the current sun- and nightsides of Mars, along with a numerical readout of the time in a 24-hour format. Other displays include a plot showing the relative orbital positions of Mars and Earth and a diagram showing the position of Sun and Earth for a given location on Mars."

(Via MacUpdate - Mac OS X.)

Montag, 19. Mai 2008

PithHelmet 2.8.3a - Add powerful filters to Safari. (Shareware)

PithHelmet 2.8.3a - Add powerful filters to Safari. (Shareware): "

PithHelmet 2.8.3a
PithHelmet... Problem: I hate ads. Solution: Kill my television. Better Solution: Content-filter my web pages...

The PithHelmet adds some basic but powerful content filtering to Apple's Safari browser. The basic purpose is to filter advertisements, but there are other potential uses as well (blocking Flash, Shockwave or horrible midi loops).

This is just a quick hack on top of Apple's basic framework, but it seems to work rather effectively.


(Via MacUpdate - Mac OS X.)

Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2008

Mac-Fernzugriff führt Polizei zum Diebesgut

Mac-Fernzugriff führt Polizei zum Diebesgut: "Eine New Yorkerin hat ihr Apple Laptop zurückerobert, indem sie per Fernzugriff ein Foto vom Dieb schoss. Die Polizei freute sich: 'Für uns kann es kaum besser laufen.'"


Dienstag, 6. Mai 2008

Apple sollte Adobe kaufen?

lange Version hier
Das einzige Wichtige ist aber das hier:

"The major point here is that Adobe is in play, or at least Apple thinks so. The company has plenty of cash and stock to do the deal and plenty of incentive, too. Apple's goal in acquiring Adobe would be to control first Flash and second Adobe's emerging Air application platform. Adobe announced this week a broad industry initiative to extend Flash to mobile devices, but Apple wasn't a participant. Why bother if you intend to shortly own Flash outright?

Owning Flash and merging it with QuickTime would give Apple near-total dominance of Internet video, furthering the advantages of iTunes and shoring up in the process the iPod franchise. They'd be giving up a sports car in Final Cut Pro, but end up effectively owning the road instead."

iPhone2 in weiß!

Neue Spy-fotos, diesmal aus China, aber da kommt das iPhone ja schließlich auch her.


Montag, 5. Mai 2008

iPhone 2 (3G) Linksamlung

1BA2BB6F-8CC3-4533-894C-CBD1ECE5CD91.jpgDas UMTS iPhone ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten Noch im laufenden Quartal will Apple mit der Produktion eines mit UMTS-Technik ausgerüsteten iPhones beginnen.

Hier eine kleine Linksamlung zum Thema:

heise, golem, areamobil, die presse, spiegel, area dvd.

Freitag, 2. Mai 2008

Bild vom iPhone 2?

Die französiche Site iphon.fr hat angebliche Bilder des neuen iPhone2 (3G) zugepielt bekommen...

Es gelten die üblichen verhaltensregeln - anschauen, lächeln, abwarten!



Holding Pattern Coach Class 2.2 - Screensaver with a moving aerial view. (Free)

Holding Pattern Coach Class 2.2 - Screensaver with a moving aerial view. (Free): "

Holding Pattern Coach Class 2.2

Holding Pattern Coach Class turns your idle computer screen into an airplane window, complete with a moving aerial view. Each time it plays, the screensaver creates a unique flight sequence.

Realistic, gentle animation and superb photography make it a truly distinctive screen saver. Enjoy the visual splendor of 15 fresh aerial locations, from the majestic American West to lush Hawaii.


(Via MacUpdate - Mac OS X.)