Gamepedia 5.1.6 - Catalog video and computer games. (Shareware): "
Gamepedia is a powerful cataloging application for video and computer games which allows you to retrieve all your game information from the Internet, either by using keywords or using an iSight or a scanner for the search.
Gamepedia lets you to search several international gaming sites for information about your video and board games. It also lets you add links to reviews, walk-throughs and screenshots from any other site.
You can keep a wish list for those games you don't own yet and a borrowed list for those you want back. To get even more organized, create smart collections that update themselves automatically whenever a new entry is added to the program. Display your collections in a table view, browse only the covers with the cover view or use the info view for a more personalized look. Share your collections with friends, using the customizable HTML export templates or one of the other three export formats. Gamepedia comes with full Spotlight integration and is localized in Spanish, Dutch, Italian French and German.
Version 5.1.6:
- 'Print Selection' menu option. Bring it up by holding down the option key when visiting the File menu or using the keyboard shortcut Command-Option-P.
- The duplicate warning while adding entries now takes UPC matches into account.
- The UPC column is automatically displayed in the list view when viewing duplicates for easier visualization if duplicates were detected via UPC.
- The 'Download Covers from…' command now does a more extensive search based on title and other attributes and not only on unique ID numbers.
- The Wikipedia search plugin now adds country URLs if possible instead of the default English.
- Statistics.xml and statistics.html files that have been customized by the user can be stored in the program's data folder for prefered display.
- 'sortByLabel' option in the statistics for alphabetical/ chronological sorting instead of by value.
- Years are now sorted chronologically by default in the statistics.
- Secret preference to tell the program to move linked files with certain extensions directly into the data folder/downloads: defaults write com.bruji.gamepedia 'Automatically Move Link Types' -array 'pdf' 'jpg' ...
- PNG transparency respected in Cover View when PNGs are used.
- The grid view baseline alignment is on the bottom edge of the images now instead of in the center.
- Small margin update to the grid view for an improved layout.
Fixes:- Improved localizations, especially French.
- Importing a file into the program via drag and drop onto the Dock icon did not automatically save the imported data.
- Selecting further preference options in the Preferences/Sites would bring up the add panel.
- The key localeLanguage was not being set for internal searches with the Amazon plugin.
- Improved Collectorz XML import.
- Exception that could occur in the logs with certain settings while copy pasting a search string into the list view.
- Some long dates with days could be read ambiguously and displayed wrong.
- The 'Add & New' function would not check for duplicates.
- Using the Command-F search command while editing now brings up a warning about unsaved changes.
- Scrolling elasticity on the horizontal axis in the grid view is fixed.
- Details view would cache local images and not update them when changed.
OS X 10.5 or later
More information
(Via MacUpdate - Mac OS X.)