Samstag, 25. September 2010

iDentify 2 325 - Tag iTunes-compatible MP4 video files. (Free)

iDentify 2 325 - Tag iTunes-compatible MP4 video files. (Free): "

iDentify 2 325
iDentify 2 is the next generation of iDentify; rebuilt from the ground up in Cocoa, not Perl.

iDentify 2 is an OS X application for tagging iTunes compatible MP4 video files. When you add your files to iDentify, iDentify looks at the file, and, based on common naming formats, determines wether the video is a movie or tv show, and determines the name of the movie, tv series name, season #, episode #, year, imdb code. iDentify can then automatically look on The TVDB, The Movie DB, and tagChimp to gather more information about the title, such as description, rating, and more!

So, whats the difference between iDentify 1 and iDentify 2?
Well, for starters, iDentify 2 has been completely re-written from the ground up. iDentify 2 uses a true graphical interface, allowing you to edit and change the results of the lookups prior to writing the tags to the file, where as iDentify 1 looked up the information and wrote it directly to the file, and only displayed the results to you.

Also, with iDentify 1, it was very important to name your files properly, or nothing would get tagged to the file. With iDentify 2, if a lookup fails, you can manually correct the title, or show name within iDentify, and click the rescan button.

Version 325:
  • Cast and Crew from TMDB entries now populate correctly again.
  • if you are experiencing a persistent store migration error, please visit httP:// for information on how to resolve this.

Mac OS X 10.5 or later.





(Via MacUpdate - Mac OS X.)

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